Sarah Palin- Hell’s Angel! Literally!

Palin Not Welcomed By Veterans

Palin the party crasher or that is what a group of motorcycle riding veterans called “Rolling Thunder’ holding an event in the capital are calling her, when they heard she plans to attend their rally called, ‘Ride for Freedom’ on May,

by Russell W. Dickson

Palin the party crasher or that is what a group of motorcycle riding veterans called “Rolling Thunder’ holding an event in the capital are calling her when
they heard she plans to attend their rally called, ‘Ride for Freedom’ on May, 29th. According to ““, the group’s main function is to publicize

the POW-MIA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. They want to help correct the past and to protect future veterans from being left behind should they become either Prisoners Of War or Missing in Action. “We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars. Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a non-profit organization and everyone donates his or her time because they believe in the POW/MIA issue.”

“She wasn’t invited. We heard yesterday that she came out Sarah Palin's so inept that she has to write notes on her hand!!with a press release stating she was coming to Rolling Thunder,” Ted Shpak, national legislative director of Rolling Thunder, told “Andrea Mitchell Reports.” Shpak is one of the three leaders of Rolling Thunder, and he says he had no idea Palin was coming until it was posted on her website. “She’s not invited to speak.

We’re not endorsing her … (but) we can’t stop her from coming to ride, if she wants to ride,” he stated on”“.People that were invited to come, according to the group’s website include, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but no Sarah Palin. Palin appears to be using the event to gain free publicity.

Just showing up to an event doesn’t mean you are ‘officially’ taking part of it. Anyone can show up at a rally, but that doesn’t mean you are endorsed by it. It seems Palin was looking for an endorsement via association, a major public relations fopaux.Mike DePaulo told NBC News,”“he had an open invitation for her to ride with them from the Pentagon across the bridge to D.C.- and that “the Palin campaign”called on Wednesday to see if they could still do it. He and a friend, Joe Fields, of the Alaska Veterans’ Advisory Council, who had worked with Palin when she was governor, invited her to the event.

Apparently the rest of the group’s members didn’t get that memo. Depaulo claims they have a permit for Palin’s bus to park on Henry Bacon Drive near the Lincoln Memorial, but admits that he didn’t tell current leaders of the organization that she was coming. When asked if Palin’s ‘One Nation’ bus will be participating in the event, Shpak of Rolling Thunder Inc. responded, “Absolutely not!”

Anyone want a 'wet willy'?

For Sale: Get Your Wet Willy

According to”“, “We’ll celebrate the good things that bring Americans together; those things that will give us the needed strength to meet the heady challenges ahead. I’ve said many times that America doesn’t need a “fundamental transformation,” instead we need a restoration of all that is good and strong and free in America! So, together let’s prepare ourselves for the days ahead by reminding ourselves who we are and what Americans stand for.

“This sounds a lot like Larry the Cable guy’s intro to his show ‘Only In America,’ on the”“, “Larry the Cable Guy believes the United States of America is the greatest country on the face of the earth and he’s out to prove it. In Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy, Larry crisscrosses the nation, going totally off the beaten path to find the people, places and things that define this nation’s unique history.” Sorry Sara it appears this idea is already taken. Maybe she can follow Larry’s bus around and claim she is a part of it too. So once again Palin is stirring up national controversy, some think she should bow out of the event because she is detracting from the events main purpose, MIA’s and POW’s. Palins supporters think that she is bringing much needed publicity to the event.

Shpak say, that Palin’s attendance “is a big distraction” and that his “phone has been ringing off the hook” since she announced her intention to attend the event. “We’re not political. This is not a political event … Maybe she’s coming because she knows we have a half a million people in town and thinking she can start her [campaign]?” stated Shpak. “We’re taking care of our issues and that’s why we’re here.”

54 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kalena
    May 29, 2011 @ 11:24:51

    I think when this Rolling Thunder thing all comes out in the wash she is totally going to look like she took advantage of the organization.

    Here’s another pic of her…right where she belongs in the gossip rags.


    • anAlaskanAlsoII
      May 29, 2011 @ 12:04:08

      Got the Palin chick thing going, Bristol does it all the time too, moving the tongue around the mouth and sticking it out so that the sycophants can drool over it.

      Can you imagine the conservative pundits crying indecency if a liberal woman did this all the time?


      • neil moerman
        May 29, 2011 @ 15:50:01

        That’s not to be sexy.She is overamped on crystal meth.The bitch is a speed freak.

      • Syrin
        May 29, 2011 @ 17:14:28

        Kalena.. Thank you for the link to a great picture..

        Neil.. Now now.. her teeth are too perfect for that.. I agree she’s gotten more and more erratic in her public behavior.

  2. Seagull Junker Palin
    May 29, 2011 @ 11:32:45

    She wrote on her hand again. I’m guessing it was “Vietnam” so she could remember.


  3. Kalena
    May 29, 2011 @ 12:01:54

    Syrin, Forgot to tell you how much I love the title of this post! lol


  4. Syrin
    May 29, 2011 @ 12:37:25

    I just put a caption on the last picture.. Anyone want a ‘wet willy’? For Sale: Get your wet willy!


  5. daisydem
    May 29, 2011 @ 13:07:48

    My capitol, my nation, has been soiled and defiled. I hate her. I wish nothing but the worse for her and her family forever. I wish her ills commesurate with the sickness she has caused me in my heart.


    • Syrin
      May 29, 2011 @ 17:22:01

      Don’t take revenge, dear friend. Instead, let God’s anger take care of it. … Don’t seek revenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to God’s wrath. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD.
      Romans 12:19


      • Debby
        May 29, 2011 @ 22:00:28

        But that is not happening.
        And it is so hard not to be angry at her and what she is getting away with. It is depressing to me that she is allowed to behave so very badly, and is yet never held accountable for her words or her actions. She continues with the bad behavior and is constantly rewarded…to the tune of what, $25 million this last year? So the take home lesson is that being mean, snarky, hateful, vindictive and wearing your Christianity on your sleeve will be very profitable.

  6. Diane
    May 29, 2011 @ 13:24:53

    Fox news is going to look sooo stupid when this woman runs. They cannot honestly be believed when they say, she’s not running!
    I think she will run as a third party and get in late, thereby protecting her lack of intelligence and her inability to speak to the issues. She’ll split the ticket and hopefully the republicans will finally get rid of her, once and for all!


    • Syrin
      May 31, 2011 @ 11:09:29

      Well, the idea that Ailes would believe anything that Palin would say, when he must know by her previous record that she LIES, CHEATS and STEALS. Look out Roger!
      READ Geoffrey Dunn’s Book -The Lies Of Sarah Palin.. OMG, it’s an AMAZING comprehensive, investigative documentation of those LIES, DECEIT and UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR that is the TRUE Sarah..
      READ Frank Bailey’s book- Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin… Also an amazing account that all who are worshipping this piece of wood, idol, having your ears TICKLED and giving up the truth for a lie should consider! 2Tim 4:3


  7. diz
    May 29, 2011 @ 15:05:11

    Sure everyone is free to come ride in Rolling Thunder, it’s the ones who come along merely to ‘hitch-hike’ that bother me. I want to hear the size of her last donation to this cherished cause. Can’t wait for Faux to somehow attribute the turnout to her presence. Hope someone has the numbers for last year’s event when she WASN’T there.


  8. climber357
    May 29, 2011 @ 20:01:55

    People are growing weary of the ¨she brings much needed publicity¨ excuse for her offensive behavior. Do they know how silly they sound? The palin camp acts as if no one had ever heard of Rolling Thunder, DWTS, The National Enquirer, People, Alaska, Fox News, Oprah, Republicans, or America before sarah came along.


  9. Viva
    May 29, 2011 @ 21:53:34

    That’s a great title, Syrin. I’m surprised now that we haven’t seen it all over the media. I imagine the Rolling Thunder leadership will now make rules governing the inviting of celebrities to steal their thunder … and I would lay good money that the organization will suffer for allowing the Palin toxic stink to invade their event. Everybody does.


  10. Rick
    May 30, 2011 @ 03:14:52

    Kind of a shame there are so many haters here. Rolling Thunder is open to any one that wants to ride. The woman’s son is a veteran and has has much right to make this ride as anyone. She wasn’t invited by Rolling Thunder as a speaker. Where was the President on the National Day of Prayer? Where was he on Veterans Day? Where was he today?

    Get over yourselves and look at what this country is becoming. Nagasaki was the victim of a nuclear weapon and is a thriving city in Japan, Detroit a strong hold of unions and govenment handouts looks like a nuclear weapon was detonated there recently.

    We are losing our way as a people and a country.


    • Martha
      May 30, 2011 @ 05:25:56

      Obama was in Joplin Missouri where he was assessing the damage caused by the Tornado’s and comforting the citizens, and today he is laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

      Rick, you seem so angry and you are terribly misinformed, I pity you.


      • Mallard
        May 31, 2011 @ 10:08:56

        And after Obama laid his wreath and said a few words to some families of the fallen, he bugged out of there to make his tee time at the golf course. The CiC was out playing golf on Memorial Day. The one day of the year when he should actually spend the WHOLE day performing his duties and meeting with families of the fallen. No wonder he has such low support from our soldiers.

    • AKRNC
      May 30, 2011 @ 16:42:18

      President Obama was in Joplin, MO, reassuring the residents that despite the ridiculous posturing of people like Eric Cantor, they would be taken care of and that his director of FEMA, Craig Fugate, was handling everything unlike “heck of a job, Brownie”.

      Today, he gave a very moving and beautiful speech in honor of our veterans. All of this is easy to read if you dare to read anything that is true about him rather than hanging out on far-right websites or listening to the idiots at Fox.

      You’re an obvious troll who likes to spread lies about the President. He was NEVER a Muslim, he didn’t take millions from the poor, or any of the other crap you’re writing. As for vacations, you need to do your homework as Bush spent more than 3 years of his Presidency on vacation. Anyone who believes in someone like Palin obviously doesn’t have the intelligence to understand the work that goes into the Presidency, especially if you think she could be President. She couldn’t handle being Governor. There are far too many people telling the truth about the reality about Palin and when you have that many people saying the same thing, you know she’s the one lying, not them. Back to C4P with you!


    • Martha
      May 31, 2011 @ 05:56:02

      Rick, Unlike Palin who was NOT welcomed by Rolling Thunder, was typically so egomaniacal, as to cause security problems for them as she rushed to be with the “lame stram media” that she professes to hate…THESE bikers, OF THEIR OWN ACCORD….came to the defence and support of Obama.

      BTW Rick, if you have served as long as you say you have, or at all (
      we just can’t know that on the internet) you should have more respect for the office of POTUS, as much as you do not like Obama.

      You should have enough respect for the office of Commander in Chief to make sure (to the best of your ability) that your criticisms of him are factually correct and that you can back them up.

      No loyal, patriotic military member should do anything less. Presidents come and go but the office remains the same, so to BLINDLY criticize the current representative of it is against everything the military stands for.

      The following also points out just how UNPATRIOTIC Palin was disrupting the Rolling Thunder event;

      300 Bikers Foil Westboro Baptist Church’s Obama Joplin Protest

      When the Westboro Baptist Church tried to roll into Joplin, Missouri to protest President Obama, they were met by hundreds of patriotic bikers.

      This is a great story. Truth Wins Out has a first hand account of what happened when the Westboro Baptist Church tried to protest President Obama’s appearance in Joplin, Missouri yesterday,

      We all heard the Westboro idiots were coming to protest! And so did about three hundred bikers!! The bikers all showed up and parked across the street from the University where Obama held a ceremony for the many good people, friends and family we lost!! The only report of any Westboro people actually being there was one guy strolling through all the bikers, when they found out who he was it got ugly for him real quick his shirt got torn off and he was pushed around pretty good! When the police saw what was about to happen they grabbed him and tried to push the bikers back!! Then they told the guy “run you stupid mother f*cker.”

      Bikers are tough and many are also very patriotic. These 300 bikers were not about to let WBC ruin the Joplin memorial. Once some bikers and truckers got word that Westboro Baptist was coming into town, they converged in Joplin yesterday, and pinned down the hate cult until the memorial was over.

      The last thing the people of Joplin needed was the WBC, and some great Americans made sure that Joplin got their moment of mourning and healing.

      Patriotism doesn’t have a look, race, gender, or partisan affiliation, and the story out of Joplin proves once again that you should never judge a book by its cover.

      When the people of Joplin needed help, 300 bikers were there. In my mind anyone who challenges the hate of WBC qualifies as a patriot.


      • Mallard
        May 31, 2011 @ 10:14:28

        “…you should have more respect for the office of POTUS, as much as you do not like Obama.”

        And Martha, my dear, the POTUS/CiC should have more respect for our troops and not go play golf on MEMORIAL DAY! What an effing slap in the face to the families of the fallen to indulge in his recreation on such a solemn day. But then again, it is always all about Obama…..

    • Mallard
      May 31, 2011 @ 10:06:04

      Right on. If Andrea Mitchell says that Palin wasn’t invited, you can be sure that Palin received an engraved invitation to attend. Andrea Mitchell has made a career out of being wrong.


      • Syrin
        May 31, 2011 @ 10:41:21

        Do you understand Quack that it was the organizers of the event that said Palin was NOT invited and we are NOT interested in the chaos she brings! Now, if she who is a worthless piece of human depris wants to ride.. GO TO THE BACK- NOT THE FRONT!

  11. Rick
    May 30, 2011 @ 03:50:17

    Shara Palin is exactly like alot of America. It gives me hope for the future of America. Since the election of President O I am for the first time in my life ashamed of my country, one that I served proudly for 24 years in the United States Navy. The country is at war, he goes golfing. The econonmy is failing, he goes golfing. Unemployment is at an all time high, he goes golfing. His family has taken an unprescidented number of vacations for a seated president.
    Anyone but O in 2012.


    • Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart
      May 30, 2011 @ 06:32:14

      When NOLA was drowning after Katrina Bush Jr. stayed and partied in San Diego. When he got the memo OBL was planning an attack on America he went to his ranch. When he was informed the Twin Towers went down he kept reading My Pet Goat. Bush rarely went to church while president, called the Consitution a g** d***** piece of paper, pardoned Scooter Libby, condoned torture, allowed his rich friends to get richer at the expense of the poor and didn’t care if OBL was captured or not. Thanks to Bush’s recklessness we are in the situation we are in.


      • Martha
        May 30, 2011 @ 07:29:50

        Yes and now for the “real Americans” in Joplin;


        Eric Cantor On ‘Face The Nation’: Disaster Relief For Joplin Tornado Victims Must Be Offset (VIDEO)
        On Sunday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) reiterated his position that disaster relief funds for the tornado victims in Joplin, Missouri must be paid for with cuts to other programs. “Congress will find the money,” Cantor said on CBS’ âFace the Nationâ “And it will be offset.”

    • Sammy
      May 30, 2011 @ 10:49:08

      Those who are so uninformed should not speak. Ignorance is not attractive.

      President Obama stays in the WH longer than George W. stayed at any given time, especially considering that George W. spent:
      – 487 days at his pretend ranch in Crawford, TX
      – 490 day at Camp David
      – 96 vacation days including all of August before Sept 11.

      And don’t forget the August he spent playing air guitar, eating birthday cake with John McCain while standing in the middle of a runway for a photo-op and best of all clearing brush while 1,600 American citizens dies during huricain Katrina.

      Now, let’s tally these numbers:
      – 1,073 days spent away from the WH
      – 2.94 years

      Have you heard that old saying that if you don’t open your mouth then people won’t know what a moran you are?

      Try it.


      • Mallard
        May 31, 2011 @ 10:24:41

        Sammy: Please tell us more about morans. President Bush must have been a moran because he didn’t visit NOLA soon enough after hurricain Katrina. And he was such a moran for spending so much time at his ranch and Camp David. Obama isn’t a moran because he visited Jopin, after he finished his visit to England. He wasn’t a moran for signing the guest book 2008 or completely flubbing his toast to the queen. I guess because Joplin was hit by a tornado and not a hurricain, it was okay for Obama to visit. It isn’t like he was a moran for leaving the country on a South American vacation the day after he declares war on Libya. You’re right. Obama’s a genius and Bush is a moran.

        P.S. Next time try “idiot.” You might find it easier to spell than moron, moran.

    • Sammy
      May 30, 2011 @ 10:53:32

      Posted this in the wrong place. Intended for the great thinker Rick.

      Rich: Those who are so uninformed should not speak. Ignorance is not attractive.

      President Obama stays in the WH longer than George W. stayed at any given time, especially considering that George W. spent:
      – 487 days at his pretend ranch in Crawford, TX
      – 490 day at Camp David
      – 96 vacation days including all of August before Sept 11.

      And don’t forget the August he spent playing air guitar, eating birthday cake with John McCain while standing in the middle of a runway for a photo-op and best of all clearing brush while 1,600 American citizens dies during huricain Katrina.

      Now, let’s tally (means add up) these numbers:
      – 1,073 days spent away from the WH
      – 2.94 years

      Have you heard that old saying that if you don’t open your mouth then people won’t know what a moran you are?

      Try it.


    • Mallard
      May 31, 2011 @ 10:16:01

      Rick you have that right. For Memorial Day, Palin honors the troops and Obama goes golfing. That says everything right there.


    • Syrin
      May 31, 2011 @ 10:43:15

      Yes, there are MORONS ie: Idiots in every corner of this country! Where you from Quack?


      • Mallard
        May 31, 2011 @ 11:09:41

        Seattle. We have plenty of morons down here. They keep voting Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, and Jim McDermott back to Washington year after year.

  12. Rick
    May 30, 2011 @ 04:01:01

    Mrs. Palin doesn’t make her brother live in a squalid hut in a filthy African shantytown. Mrs. Palin doesn’t have a racist antisemite for a spiritual advisor. Mrs. Palin isn’t a shill for the lovable Palestinians. Mrs. Palin’s parents were legally married when she was born. Mrs. Palin was never registered for school as a Muslim. Mrs. Palin was never impeached for lying under oath. Mrs. Palin never pretended to work for the poor while pocketing millions of dollars. Mrs. Palin doesn’t want to take money from people who work for a living and give it to people who refuse to work. Mrs. Palin does not have her campaigns financed by the Saudis. Mrs. Palin understand Israelis are the victims and Palestinians are the terrorists. Mrs. Palin knows that abortion is murder. Mrs. Palin didn’t buy her way into office with WALL STREET MONEY.


    • Sammy
      May 30, 2011 @ 11:16:16

      Rich: President Obama is not responsible for where or how his brother lives.

      As to Palin, she is one of the bigest racist who ever existed and she is not a real Christian. She plays one for the people whose points don’t quite add up to 100.

      Rev. Wright served his country in the US Military and is not a racist. If your points even approached 100 you would know what he meant in the sermon that you right-wing kabobs call racist.

      Palin is also one of the worst parents imaginable. Her children have and are growing up without any parental guidance and her young son is being cared for by someone other that his parents. If they are his parents.

      Palin places no value on education; attending 5 0r 6 colleges to get a degree in journalism or communication is no sign that education is important to her or her family. Name one of her college age children who attends college. And Todd couldn’t manage to attend even one junior college? Neither Bristol or Track are college material and the younger ones barely attend any school (bet you don’t know the reason why the third daughter is not in school).

      Palin is an ignorant, uneducated, profoundly stupid low class boob who is an embarrassment to any woman who has worked to educate herself and achieve in this world.

      T here are many the low-information people and those who don’t value education who think Sarah is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but truly, are there educated women who also think this?

      Don’t think so.

      Get over you anger and hatred for the black guy. No one named Palin or ing the Palin family can even come close.

      P.S. Ignorance is not attractive. Do something about yourself.


      • Mallard
        May 31, 2011 @ 10:30:56

        “Rev. Wright served his country in the US Military and is not a racist. If your points even approached 100 you would know what he meant in the sermon that you right-wing kabobs call racist.”

        Heh heh. Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. Gullibility is so cute. Rev. Wright’s good friend Louis Farrakhan isn’t racist either is he? Peas in a pod, my boy, peas in a pod.

        “…and her young son is being cared for by someone other that his parents. If they are his parents. ”

        Sammy, you might want to go back and check your own point totals. Being a Trig Truther doesn’t even come close to adding up to 100. But that’s okay. I suspect that math is not one of your strong subjects.

    • Teal
      May 30, 2011 @ 12:44:05

      Rick: 4:01 am Really interesting that you try to compare Sarah Lou to POTUS on levels that actually aren’t comparable, but I’ll bite….

      Mrs. Palin’s sister-in-law (Todds sister) guilty of break and entering while she had her child with her. Why didn’t she help her family? Oh, that’s different…

      Mrs. Palin has a witch doctor for a spiritual advisor. have you read about her religious beliefs? Oh, that’s different…

      Right again! Mrs. Palin is a shill for the TeaParty, the GOP ‘ her ownSelf. Oh, that’s different…

      What’s your point? Somce you went tbere….Mrs. Palin’s mom was already pregnant with her before her legally marriage to her Dad.  And so was Sarah pregnant with Track before Todd married her. And so was her daughter already pregnant when she was presented to the nation as ‘getting married soon’ to Levi Johnston. We know how that worked out? Again, that’s different…

      Mrs. Palin was a registered member of the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) So was Todd. In fact in the beginning of her fray into public office, they were her strongest supporters. Again, that’s different…

      Mrs. Palin was found guilty by the (Mostly Republician) Alaska Legislators of being in violating of the responsiblities of her elected position by ‘trying to’ influence an outcome (getting her brother-in-law fired from his state trooper Job). To discount their findings, she added even more $$ to her legal expenses by asking the ‘state of Alaska personnel board’ to tackle the issue-their review was that she did not break the law – as charged by Alaska law makers…therefore she likes to claim that she was found innocent. Again, I know, thats different…

      ‘Mrs. Palin charges charities whe othe clenritied don’t  so again, you’re right, she never pretended to work for the poor while pocketing millions of dollars’ IT’s A KNOWN fact that she is in it for herself & the money. She can bill a charity like no one else! She’s a millionaire, yet claims to be one of the ‘rill people’ while she begs for money so she can parade around the country-not working & giving 100-thousand dollar speeches about dividing the country (even more). Again, that’s different…

      Mrs. Palin does (in part) have her life-style and I dare to say, her campaign financed by the Saudis. Fox tv is Owned in part by the ‘Saudis’ soooooo, in fact she is financed by them! Because she works for them….whats the difference Saudis are Saudis…. RIGHT? Oh, Again, that’s different…

      Mrs. Palin doesn’t need to go so far away from Alaska in order to make rulings on the giving back of land to ‘Natural’ owners. Because She has no clue of cultural, of diversity, of anything outside of her own soCalled religious values, she thinks herself qualified to do so. Remember this is the woman who ‘dedicated’ alaska to Jesus…what about the ‘rill’ Alaskans (you know the people already living in what is now know as Alaska-before the arrivals of out siders) and what they believe? Who is she to speak for them…to assume that they believe as she, their Temporary Gov believes? Sarah Lou is only about using the people of Alaska for her own benefit.
      Hey she will never understand in context the historical issues in the Middle East, neverMind those between the Israelis and the Palestinians. By the way, in her religion, the Jewish people convert to the Christian. So hating on the Palestinians is just an end to this means. And since shes all about returning lands (in another country) to the so-called proper owners, why isn’t she fighting to return America to it’s owners…theNativeAmericams. Oh, i see, Again, that’s different…

      So you think Mrs. Palin knows that abortion is murder…them why in her 1st ghost-written book did She mention that while on an out of town visit she could have had an abortion, (no one would know). Is this normal thinking for so-called pro-lifers? Why would she even think it in the 1st place…why even ‘consider’ it? Again, yeah I know,  that’s different…

      Again you’re right. Mrs. Palin didn’t buy her way into office with WALL STREET MONEY. What office are you talking about? Believe me, given the opportunity, she would have, however, rill Americas spoke/voted and she was not elected. You must not be familiar with her history as a bully. Again, I know,  that’s different…


    • Daron
      May 30, 2011 @ 13:56:10

      And you are a perfect specimen of a certified brains-washed person. The kind of person sarah palin loves and all people like her. You can “un” brainwash yourself, but if you refuse then you have to fall in the category of “stupid”. You can’t smarten up stupid.


    • Syrin
      May 30, 2011 @ 17:00:57

      Rick, just one thing.. Yes, Sarah Palin did buy her way into office and beyond to where she is today! Using the office and privilage, and state resources to perpetuate her personal agenda and enrich herself! Abusing power and violating the ethics laws of the state of Alaska!
      What? you think she got there because she’s competent and knowledgeable about those hungry markets (she’s no energy expert) and pockets of real americans ( she’s no leader, she a crass dark hearted woman and lacks integrity)?
      Maybe it was her good looks that has put her at the top of every military mans list for president? Well, it is hard to ignore with mostly men defending her. That would be pathetic, but, could very well be!
      But, what your list shows me, is you reject and refuse to apply your critiria and see Palin for what she is. You will see in the coming year a parade of ‘REAL’ people from her beloved state of Alaska and everywhere else she’s spread her rotten fruit coming out to expose her..


    • anon
      May 30, 2011 @ 18:55:53

      I heard Mrs Palin was born in Canada. What do you know about that?


  13. lizard
    May 30, 2011 @ 04:19:27

    I’m old school, back in the day we where prevented, harrased, arrested from having runs. Everybody hated bikers, which didn’t bother us. You had to earn the right to ride. It was all good.
    Now that every Tom, Dick & Harry has bought bikes, the weekend warriors and wannabee’s have come on the scene it sucks. When we would do runs, you just threw your bedroll on the scoot and off you went. Now you see RV’s, trailers, resevations in the nearest hotel.
    I miss the ol days. IMO.
    That said…Palin doesn’t need a damn invite. She can join in. I know she has a big following of bikers down here.


  14. rockstone
    May 30, 2011 @ 04:21:48

    So let me ask you vets out there. Who do you think would give you the better shake, Barry or Palin?


  15. Martha
    May 30, 2011 @ 05:18:40

    From TMP;

    “I’m very ~~not ~~apprecia­tive of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder’s national legislativ­e director, told Rachel Weiner of the Washington Post.

    “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”

    (Palin, instead, came in the front of the Pentagon’s north parking lot, where event staff and press had gathered.)

    It also overwhelme­d Rolling Thunder’s security capabiliti­es and strained organizers­’ patience as photograph­ers, journalist­s and admirers swarmed the former Alaska governor after she hopped off the back of a black bike in the parking lot of the Pentagon

    Attendees worried the “paparazzi­” would knock over their expensive bikes and shouted at photograph­ers and journalist­s scrambling to ask Palin a question.

    Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said that the talk should focus on vets and not Palin.

    “I don’t think any talk about Palin coming here is right here, the talk is about Memorial Day, the talk is about like I said those people who have given that ultimate sacrifice,­”

    “After you served 22 years in the United States Army, what brings me out today is there are people here that I served with, there are people here who served with my older brother in Vietnam,”



  16. Teal
    May 30, 2011 @ 10:45:52

    Heels Angel more like it.

    I’ll like to see a timeline of her work with ‘Veterans’ groups/rights….without a mention of her ‘combat’ vet son and the work she did to insure that he be selected to be a driver with his battation


  17. Syrin
    May 30, 2011 @ 15:23:42

    Thank you very much Rick and lizard for your service to our country.

    The subject of Sarah Palin brings the worst out in everyone. That said, you need to understand and I don’t know why you do not. This whackadoodle from Wasilla has NO self control, No appreciation, No accountibility, No reason to be on a back of a bike at Rolling Thunder!
    There is protocol, there are certain ways things should happen. That’s called planning and orgnization. Please don’t defend the indefencible, which is the rotten to the core behavior and the fleecing of our seasoned and apparently military citizens.
    Sarah Palin can not even take care of her OWN family and personal problems, but some are willing to be stuck on stupid so she can take care of them!?
    READ Blind Allegiance by Frank Bailey and an another book by Geoffry Dunn, which is a comprhensive look into The Lies of Sarah Palin.You deserve to know the truth!!
    Look for me and many other ‘REAL’ people, Alaskans who are not lying, not being paid to speak the truth. They might just know a little bit more than the rest of you about the who and what of Sarah Palin.


  18. Martha
    May 31, 2011 @ 11:26:32

    May 31, 2011 @ 10:24:41

    01 Rate This
    Sammy: Please tell us more about morans. President Bush must have been a moran because he didn’t visit NOLA soon enough after hurricain Katrina. And he was such a moran for spending so much time at his ranch and Camp David. Obama isn’t a moran because he visited Jopin, after he finished his visit to England. He wasn’t a moran for signing the guest book 2008 or completely flubbing his toast to the queen. I guess because Joplin was hit by a tornado and not a hurricain, it was okay for Obama to visit. It isn’t like he was a moran for leaving the country on a South American vacation the day after he declares war on Libya. You’re right. Obama’s a genius and Bush is a moran.

    P.S. Next time try “idiot.” You might find it easier to spell than moron, moran.

    This is complete misinformation, and you might try to spell correctly yourself before you criticize others…it’s hurricane, not hurricain and it;s Joplin, not Jopin. Bush was on part of his nearly 3 year vacation at his ranch for Katrina, and Obama;

    Obama: Six days, four nations
    US President Barack Obama began a six-day, four-nation tour (Ireland, England, France, and Poland) May 22, 2011. His 24-hour visit to Ireland included dropping by rural Moneygall, where his great-great-great-grandfather Fulmouth Kearney lived before immigrating to the United States in 1850. The second stop on Mr. Obama’s itinerary? London, for a visit with the Queen, where he was honored with a State Dinner at Buckingham Palace and gave an address to both houses of Parliament. Mr. Obama’s next stop: a meeting of the Group of 8 world powers in Deauville, France. The leaders discussed how the West could help Egypt, Tunisia and other Arab states in political transition. On the last stop: Mr. Obama visited Poland. Last year he was forced to cancel (to attend the funeral of Poland’s president) when the ash cloud from an Icelandic volcano restricted air space and travel. Ironically, a new volcanic eruption forced alterations of his itinerary again this year. — Paula Nelson


  19. Silva Ferringo
    Sep 02, 2011 @ 10:55:26

    Thanks for a fine posting. I love the funny remarks.


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