Is the GOP Waving Bye-Bye to Sarah Palin?


By Paul Bedard, Washington Whispers

Worse than Dan Quayle before her, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's bright star has fast faded in the eyes of Washington Republican officials and analysts, calling into question her efforts to become a national party figure ready to run for the White House. "She's just not ready for prime time," said a party strategist who has worked for former President Bush. "I mean, she's starting to look like she's having trouble being governor of Alaska." At issue is her weak debut, hampered by the mishandling of her by Sen. John McCain's campaign, and subsequent family issues such as the most recent tiff with Levi Johnston, the father of her first grandchild and short lived ex-fiancé of her daughter Bristol.


Since running for vice president with McCain, Palin has made efforts to be a national figure, starting a political action committee and speaking at national events in Washington. But she has also blown other chances, backed out of speech commitments, and allowed herself to be caught in a fight between state and national aides who have different roles for her in mind. While some Republican officials say that there is time for her to recover, many are already looking to others to carry the GOP flag, such as Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich, in the 2010 and 2012 elections.

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8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ken
    Apr 27, 2009 @ 20:23:00

    mitt romney was a prick as gov. of mass. and newty is too religously divisive,if palin can get all the skeletons out of her closet and buried in the next 2 years she has a good chance


  2. JBodine
    Apr 27, 2009 @ 21:49:00

    OMG, Sherry I read this hours ago. More RINO BS. A whole lot of speculation and opinions of elitist snobs. There is not a truthful statement in the entire article. Other Republicans with presidential aspirations are trying to head Sarah off and she has made no, nada indications of anything other than serving the People of Alaska as she said she would.
    You don't have to agree with how she is doing it , but please, stop projecting onto her. If you think she is misguided, Pray for her that God will steer her correctly.


  3. Madonna
    Apr 28, 2009 @ 07:42:00

    Umm, Palin has no need for "God" as she seeks spiritual guidance from a Kenyan Witch Hunter. No joke.


  4. JBodine
    Apr 28, 2009 @ 08:29:00

    Do you feel better now?


  5. xango_xango
    Apr 30, 2009 @ 10:57:00

    JBodine, why don't you take a little time and pray for the people of Alaska that Sarah Palin threw under the bus – I am third generation Alaskan, and have tons of friends and family here. We rolled out the welcome mat to your Sarah and she threw it back at us. No, you can't tell me god is making people leave their families and move to Anchorage for a job, that you can't get a loan because of capital move issues, the divisiveness she has invited into our geographical area of the state is a tragedy in itself. I will pray for the people she is dissing. Your little star is falling, but she has also left a lot of sad debris in her wake. Better get donating to her legal defense fund now. Take care Alaskan.


  6. JBodine
    May 01, 2009 @ 19:40:00

    Well, xango, I get the sense you live in Juneau. Seems like the folks in Juneau are a little selfish. Didn't I read the people of Alaska want to move the Capital, but no one wants to pay for it, so its status quo. That's for you to resolve.
    As for loans, what does that have to do with Governor Palin? She is not a bank and does not run banks, Obama does that.
    What is the divisiveness she has invited? Over what?


  7. xango_xango
    May 02, 2009 @ 07:30:00

    I have a huge family here. The Governor has been taking jobs out
    of Juneau since the day she got elected. These are my friends and
    my family. Her attitude has turned the economy upside down on the
    stability factor. You see, when people are constantly worried
    about a capital move threat they no longer look to buy homes and make
    investments because they are constantly worried about their
    livelihoods. The State jobs she is removing from Juneau are also
    attached to private sector jobs as well, it's a domino effect. Take care, your attitude about
    people being selfish here couldn't be more untrue.


  8. JBodine
    May 04, 2009 @ 07:38:00

    See, information goes a long way to understanding. I understand your economic uneasiness. Now I can understand your issues and have a reasoned discussion with you. (The Spotted Owl ended my logging business, I just moved on.) However it is no reason to hate the Governor, She is not moving the Capitol. She will not be Governor forever.
    Don't worry, it gets you nowhere. Make your own way, do not rely on government for your prosperity. You will be miserable and unhappy.
    If Juneau is incapable of a diversified econonic base, maybe the Capitol should be moved to a stronger economic base. Don't depend on oil forever. Unless Alaska secceeds and takes its own destiny in its own hands, You can look forward to personal taxation; the Feds will not you expand energy productions unless you get Sarah elected President of the U.S.
    What will you do if your next Governor actually moves the Capitol.


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